WOMR Benefit / Wellfleet First Congregational Church
Saturday, June 15th at 7:30 PM
Wellfleet First Congregational Church
200 Main Street, Wellfleet, MA
on the fabulous piano of the Cape Cod Chamber Music Festival
This concert announcement is coming from our Open Mic Classical flutist Carl Gutowski:

I'm happy to have my friend, pianist Alexandra Beliakovich, visit Cape Cod in June for a solo piano recital. I hope you'll be able to hear her. She's absolutely fabulous and presenting an exciting program.
On Saturday, June 15th at 7:30 PM Alexandra Beliakovich will be presenting a solo recital as a benefit for WOMR.
Many of you have known the support that WOMR--and in particular Felice Corale--has given the classical community on Cape Cod through the Cafe Classical program, promotion of Open Mic Classical and other concerts, and interviews of guest performers. This is our chance to return the favor as a part of the proceeds from the concert will benefit WOMR.
Alexandra's recital will feature works by Bach, Granados, Bartok, Khosrowpour and Schubert's monumental Wanderer Fantasie. I had the pleasure of hearing her present this same program in the Hudson Valley and it was stunning. Not to be missed!
Incidentally, Alexandra and Carl will be performing a short program together the next day at the Open Mic Classical in Brewster, MA / 3pm.
Read more about Alexandra on her website, http://alexandrabeliakovich.com/about/
Tickets are $25 in advance, $30 at the door
Purchase in advance at https://tinyurl.com/y2wue2vq