East Meets West / Cape Cod Museum of Art / March 10th, 2019 / 2:30pm

'East Meets West' Part of 'Music and More' concert series, Cape Cod Museum of Art will be hosting clarinetist Monika Woods and pianist Ana Glig. In concert selected works for clarinet and piano from Western and Eastern classical music.
Don't miss it, bring a friend or two, get your tickets here: https://www.ccmoa.org/events/west-meets-east Program: C. Saint-Saëns - Sonata for Clarinet & Piano Op.167 B. Bartok- Romanian Folk Dances S. Rachmaninoff- Piano sonata No.2 op.36 (for piano solo)
Kovacs - Hommage to Kodaly
A. Piazzolla- Tango Etudes No.2 & No.3