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Pre-Christmas Open Mic Classical Report - Dec 18th, 2016 / guest performer Anne F. Perrault

Please be aware, that...

On the first day of Christmas, our true loves will give to us:

ONE wonderful recollection of a fantastic, and fantastically attended, Open Mic Classical on Sunday, Dec 18, 2016.

On the second day of Christmas, our true loves will send to us:

the aforementioned wonderful recollection, plus . . .

recollections of TWO delightful 2nd grade girls, Eliana Lester and Zsóka Küne Woods, who serenaded us with some piano tunes and a Hungarian melody (Zsóka on recorder with some solid-beat-backup by Eliana on drums).

On the third day of Christmas, our true loves will send to us. . .

ONE general memory, those TWO girls yada yada, and rememberances of:

THREE hungarian folks songs, played by Monika Woods on clarinet and accompanied by the lovely Betty Tipton on piano. Yes, the ancient strains of her mother tongue seem to accentuate well the mysterious flavors of winter.

On the fourth day:

the one general memory, the two girls, three folks songs and memories of four notes:

the four notes that Jacob Woodland ended his wonderful piano playing with.

Jacob is a 4th grader, student of Monika, and is well on his way to tackling some very adult complex classical piano pieces. He also loves to play the theme song from Indiana Jones.

On the fifth day:

the one general memory, the two girls, three folks songs, Jacob's four-note chord and:

the FIVE fingers of Chopin's right hand, as re-immortalized by the wonderful piano playing of Anne Franciose Perrault, our featured musician. Anne is a real dazzler! She took on some of Chopin's wildest bits and blew us away with some very very musical virtuosity. Anne has a music degree from prestigious Oberlin, and is former faculty at not only Longy School of Music but also U of Vermont, St. Michael's and New England Conservatory. We definitely want to bring her back soon as a feature!

On the sixth day of Christmas, our true loves will send to us:

yada yada and the SIX wonderful guitar strings of Jim Skinger (a well-loved regular) who beautifully played two beautiful pieces about winter. We love Jim's thoughtful contributions of repetoire to our events and I encourage you to query him about his long and wonderful career in music.

On the seventh day:

One wonderful general memory of the whole event and memories of

TWO delightful young women,

THREE Hungarian tunes,

a FOUR note finale chord by Jacob,

the FIVE fingers of Anne Franciose Perrault's dextrous right hand,

SIX of Jim's contemplative winter-bound guitar strings

and the SEVEN notes of a melody presented first by Jacob and then re-presented by Eli Woods as a piano improv piece.


Thank you all for coming, and being a part of our delightful pre-Christmas December event.

When you come to our next one on January 15th, 2017, PLEASE BRING A PEAR TREE!

(I'll start hunting for the partridge now)

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