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Music and Roads / OMC March 20th, 2016

Open Mic Classical March 20th, 2016 - Report

In consideration of 6-year-old Hadley Meyer's delightful guitar and vocal performance, this month's update on Open Mic Classical is about music and roads..

Speaking of which, we all took the high road to the Irish highlands, as we were serenaded by the lovely vocal musings of Laura Stowe singing "Irish Blessing," accompanied by cellist and Judy Donn of Plymouth and house accompanist Betty Tipton of Eastham. (Our house accompanist is available for rehearsals on request.)

Eli Woods played a piano improvisation, we listened to some of Canary Burton's wonderful compositions, and Jim Skinger wowed us with some contemplative and touching classical guitar pieces.

Al Rivera, originally from Hawaii, beautifully played a beautiful ukelele, delicately tickling its strings with elegant counterpoint that reverberated through our wonderful church. Al originally blew in to the cape along with the great blizzard of 78', his hawaiian sandals not up for the unexpected shock. All roads don't lead to Rome. Many lead here, where we are delighted that Open Mic Classical continues to help weave the cultural fabric of the Cape.

We almost closed (almost came to the end of the road) with our house piano accompanist Betty Tipton serenading us with a lovely Chopin Lullaby (aka: Berceuse), which she played expertly and magically. I could practically see the lovely sonic strains intertwine and waft to the pinnacle of the sanctuary and then . . . up and beyond until soothing the ominous encroaching snow clouds we had been hearing so much about (thwarting our newborn springtime) and . . . in fact . . . instead of 5 annoying inches the next day, we merely got a delicate snowflake dusting.

But apparently we were on a roundabout, as host Bob Marcus surprised us by whipping out a viola and bringing us back to the British Highlands. He did so by playing, as the final piece of the afternoon, a lovely diddy by composer Ralph Vaughn Williams based on an English folk song (Third English Suite).

So to all: thanks again / please come again / please spread the word from valley to hilltop so our wonderful cape classical community can continue to evolve and intertwine on our roads less traveled.

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