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Klarinetista & Friends - Concert to Benefit Children in Need

Host a house concert to help disadvantaged children on Cape Cod.

Monika Woods has teamed up with the Foundation for Family Education, a brainchild of Marcia Galazzi (director of the Family School in Brewster) to help disadvantaged children.

Clarinetist Monika Woods is offering house concerts on a donation basis (pay as you are able), consisting of a half an hour live music in the comfort of your own home. You can entertain your family or friends, and pay for it from your own pocket, or have your audience pay a small entrance fee. Available for the year 2015.

Proceeds will go to: Foundation for Family Education (Deborah Geithner Fund), and will be used to help disadvantaged children on Cape Cod.

Cape Cod Location & Time of the Concert: to be determined upon request.

Schedule it by phone: 774-353-0244 , email:

or come and bid on this package at the 11th Annual Auction and Wine Tasting Evening at The Wequassett for The Foundation for Family Education, which will take place on November 20th 2014, from 7 to 9 PM.

Please join us for a fun evening with friends to participate, donate, socialize, buy gifts and have a great time, while helping out your community.

Monika Woods will play her clarinet at this event.

To register click HERE.

If you can not host a concert but still wish to donate to the cause you can write out your check to "Foundation for Family Education" with "Deborah Geithner Fund" included on the memo line. Please mail your check to: The Family School and Saltbox Schools, 3570 Main Street Brewster, MA 02631.


To learn more about Monika Woods, winner of the Cape Cod Symphony's Soloist Competition visit her website:


To Learn more about the Foundation for Family Education read further:

The Foundation for Family Education is the brainchild of Marcia Pioppi Galazzi, created with a mission to provide financial support for families of children in need in our community. Knowing that raising a healthy, stable and loving child requires a solid home environment, the Foundation strives to provide financial support to help families achieve this goal.

Some examples of The Foundation's involvement include:

- Providing childcare funding for a younger sibling of a child living with cancer, while the family traveled to Boston for cancer treatments

- Arranging for extended child care support when dad was called in for active duty

- Helping a family structure a care plan for a child with learning disabilities, and then committing to provide ongoing support lasting many years

Their annual auction is a school-wide effort that is the Foundation's biggest and most important fundraiser of the year. Their goal this year is to raise $50,000 so they can continue investing in our families and to ensure that the children of our extended community are surrounded with a healthy family environment, allowing them to thrive.

For more info about the auction, please click HERE.

Foundation for Family Education is a not for profit 501c3 status organization, where every dollar goes towards helping our families.

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