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ONLINE VOTING for The Soloist Competition / Szólista Verseny-Internetes Szavazás

VOTE ONLINE ! Couldn’t attend the Semi-Finals? View the Semi-Final video performances online and vote for your favorite!!/entry/1736384 Online voting will be open March 5, 2013 at 12:00AM and close March 12 at 11:59PM. Vote carefully – voters are allowed only one vote per candidate during the online voting period. Voters must be 13 years of age or older and log in using a Facebook Account or by creating a Strutta account (sharing only their name and email address). The Top 3 Finalists will be selected and announced on March 15, 2013. The announcement will be posted on Cape Symphony’s website. Just an interesting coincidence: on 15th March Hungarians commemorate the Revolution and the following War of Independence against the Austrian-Habsburg rule in 1848-49. This day is one of the most prominent National Holidays for Hungarians. Finalists will be the featured guest artists at the Cape Cod Symphony Orchestra’s final concert of the season, The Virtuosos: Orchestra & Soloists, May 4 & 5, 2013, which will feature Bartok’s Concerto for Orchestra. My mothers maiden name is BARTOK, and my pianist friend Deborah Geithner thinks this is a good omen.


A Szólista Verseny az interneten folytatódik. Szavazz március 5 -12 között, a Szólista Verseny egyetlen magyar zenészére, hogy bejuthasson a döntőbe. Eredmény hirdetésre március 15-én kerül sor. Az első három döntős szólistaként fog fellépni a Cape Cod Szimfonikus Zenekar májusi koncertjén, ahol Bartók Concerto-ja is szerepel a programon. Amerikai zongoristám szerint ez nem véletlen, hisz édesanyám lány neve Bartók.

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