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At Open Mic Classical Anyone can Shine. We welcome all interested classical musicians of all levels, and ages, both singers and instrumentalists, to play short movements or pieces at our Open Mic Classical (OMC) monthly events. All you need to do is to get on our list by 2:30pm on the day of the event. We will choose 8 - 10 performers for each event. If you need a piano accompanist, please let us know couple of weeks earlier, so we can arrange for practice times. We welcome performers with disabilities, who sometimes may require an assistance dog.


You might wonder how do we pick our Featured Performers?

At every Open Mic Classical we also feature different guest musicians ("featured guest performers"), who get a longer spot in our program (20-30 minutes). These musicians are featured and publicized on our monthly posters, event calendars, and newsletters. This is a great way to get your name out.


Many times we pick guest performers because they came, and played at one of our events, and we want to give them a chance to be able to prepare, and present a longer program. This gives strong incentive to some of  the musicians, who either need help launching their careers, or they are coming back to playing after years of taking a break, or they play mostly as an orchestra or choir member, and now enjoy a different kind of musical experience.


At other times we invite well-known, seasoned classical musicians from local towns, or with strong ties to Cape Cod.


Open Mic Classical Supports its Local Musicians.

We strongly believe in supporting both our local economy, and our classical musicians, but we welcome everyone interested.



Open Mic Classical Participants Sign-Up Rules, and Sign-Up Sheet: (OMC reserves the rights to change these rules as our program is evolving)

1. Each classical musician who signs up is allotted up to 5-7 minutes per time slot, (one piece, or one movement of a piece) and all music has to be classical music.

2. Please tune your instrument outside the hall during the performance that proceeds yours. We will announce when is your turn, and escort you to a room furthest from the main concert hall, so sound doesn't disturb the performer on stage.

3. If you don't sign up via e-mail or phone prior to the day of OMC you must be signed up in person by 2:30pm on the day of the event.

4. OMC will fill select about 8-10 players from the sign-up list, and will leave a couple spots for performers who sign up on the day of. If there are too many performers you will be asked to play next time. Our goal is to have a 1.5 hour program with a 15 minute intermission.

5. Thank you for donating your time. If you can please contribute a minimum of $15 so we can keep offering our program. If you are unable to do so, please let us know so we can source a donor to sponsor you. Thank you. 

6. Please fill out this form for each open mic as it helps us keep records and keep in touch with you. From time to time we may contact you to ask you to fill a slot on the program. 


Download, fill out, and send us: Sign-Up Sheet for Open Mic Classical Participants




Open Mic Classical (OMC) reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event sponsored by OMC, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. OMC may use the photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by OMC including but not limited to: brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, youtube, grants etc.

A person attending an OMC event who does not wish to have their image recorded for distribution should make their wishes known to the photographer, and/or the event organizers, and/or contact OMC at PO Box 1611, Brewster, MA in writing of his/her intentions and include a photograph. OMC will use the photo for identification purposes and will hold it in confidence.

By participating in an OMC event or by failing to notify OMC, in writing, your desire to not have your photograph used by OMC, you are agreeing to release, defend, hold harmless and indemnify OMC from any and all claims involving the use of your picture or videos.

Any person or organization not affiliated with OMC may not use, copy, alter or modify OMC photographs, graphics, videography or other, similar reproductions or recordings without the advance written permission of an authorized designee from OMC.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!



Open Mic



aka the mic-less open mic

© 2015 - 2024

Design by Open Mic Classical. All rights reserved.  Phone: 774-353-0244, Email: openmicclassical[at]

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