September 20th, 2020 - 3pm / Online on ZOOM / guest feature pianist Ana Glig
Join us as we connect on ZOOM to our list of sign-up musicians, and guest performer pianist Ana Glig. Zoom Direct Link:...

Aug 16th, 2020 - 3pm / Online on ZOOM
Join us as we connect on ZOOM to our list of sign-up musicians. Connect Via Zoom Direct Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82666321336?pwd=Z...

July 19th, 2020 - 3pm / Online on ZOOM / guest feature Tiberius String Quartet from Transylvania
Join us as we connect on ZOOM to our list of sign-up musicians, and guest performers the Tiberius String Quartet. (Connect Via Zoom: link...

June 21st, 2020 - 3pm / Online on ZOOM / guest feature Michael Holt - pianist,composer
Join us as we connect on ZOOM to our list of sign-up musicians, and guest performer pianist / composer Michael Holt from Truro. Link to...

May 17th, 2020 / 3pm / Online on ZOOM / Featuring Mark & Beverly Davis / Connect via: https://zo
Join us for our first online edition Open Mic Classical How to connect: Directly Via this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5905059484?pwd=...
March 15, April 19 OMC Events Cancelled / Stay home. Stay healthy.
Due to Covid-19, and social distancing we are canceling our March 15th, and April 19th events. We will follow the MA state guidelines,...

Cancelled Due to Covid-19 / April 19th, 2020 / Featuring Tenor Chris Allen / FPB UU / 3pm
Join us at Open Mic Classical with featured guest performer tenor Chris Allen, and collaborative pianist Lucy Banner presenting Roger...

Cancelled Due to Covid-19 / March 15th, 2020 / Featuring Pianist Arthur Dimond / FPB UU / 3pm
Join us at Open Mic Classical with featured guest performer soprano Ellen Adamson, and collaborative pianist Elizabeth Tipton. Contact us...

Feb 16th, 2020 / Featuring Soprano Ellen Adamson / FPB UU 3pm
Join us at Open Mic Classical with featured guest performer soprano Ellen Adamson, and collaborative pianist Elizabeth Tipton. Contact us...

Jan 19th, 2020 / Featuring pianist Ana Glig / FPB UU 3pm
Join us at Open Mic Classical with featured guest performer pianist Ana Glig, and collaborative pianist Lucy Banner. Contact us to sign...

Dec 15th, 2019 / Featuring Truro Trio / violin, viola, cello trio / FBP UU 3pm
We invite you to join our great list of musicians and our featured ensemble on December 15th, 2019 / 3pm, Truro Trio at First Parish...

Nov 17th, 2019 / Featuring organist Joseph Marchio / FBP UU 3pm
We invite you to join our great list of musicians and our featured musician organist Joseph Marchio on November 17th, 2019 / 3pm, at...

Oct 20th, 2019 / Guest guitar player Jim Skinger & Friends / UU Church Brewster 3pm
We invite you to join our great list of musicians and our featured musician guests on October 20th, 2019 / 3pm, guitar player Jim...

September 15th, 2019 / Guest pianist James Rosenblum / FBP UU 3pm
We invite you to join our great list of musicians and our featured musician guests on September 15th, 2019 / 3pm, pianist James...

June 16th, 2019 / Guest flutist Carl Gutowski & pianist Alexandra Beliakovich / FBP UU 3pm
We invite you to join our great list of musicians and our featured musician guests on June 16th, 2019 / 3pm, flutist Carl Gutowski at...