Lower Cape TV - A Contemporary Take on Classical - by Lower Cape News editorial staff
Lower Cape TV segment on Open Mic Classical

Lower Cape TV - Red Nun Talks with Monika Veress, Open Mic Classical
Arts Light Podcast by Lower Cape TV with Teresa Martin

The Provincetown Independent - Arts Briefs - May 17, 2023
Arts Briefs - The Provincetown Independent - Open Mic Classical - founder Monika Woods

WOMR Interview - Fox Thomason with host Felice Coral
17 year old self taught guitar player Fox Thomason, who debuted at Open Mic Classical November 2022, in an interview with WOMR host...

MVY Radio - Cape Cod Current - with Joe Stickles interviewing Monika Woods
The Cape Cod Current - Segment from February 20th - Monika Woods - OPEN MIC CLASSICAL February 20th - MVYRADIO Reporter Joe Stickles...

The CCChronicle - OMC Celebrates Black History Month - Article by Jennifer Sexton-Riley Feb 16, 2022

The Enterprise - Open Mic Classical will Present Linking Legacies for Black History Month
The Enterprise Article - Open Mic Classical will Present Linking Legacies for Black History Month

WOMR Interview - Black History Month - Linking Legacies - Chris Jenkins with host Felice Coral
Chris Jenkins representing Linking Legacies as part of OMC's Black History Month on Feb 20, 2022, in an interview with WOMR